8 Best Places to Sell Stickers (Not Including Your Mom and Her Friends) (2025)

8 Best Places to Sell Stickers (Not Including Your Mom and Her Friends) (1)


That’s what you expect us to say, right? The best places to sell stickers are online, online, and—just to mix it up a little—on the internet.

The World Wide Web connects the entire planet and is a great option for unloading all those awesome custom stickers you’ve designed that are simply sitting in boxes in your garage.

But you knew that already. Everybody with access to the internet knows that online is a great place to sell stuff. So in this piece, we’re going to chat about some other places you can peddle your sticky wares. We’ll mention an online spot, too. But only one.

Where to Sell Stickers (But Not Online) (Except for #6)

We assume you’re here because you’ve followed our valuable ultimate guide to starting a sticker business and are now a veritable sticker tycoon. Let us be the first ones, other than your mom, to congratulate you on your resounding success.

But no one told you that building a sticker empire would be easy. We’ve all reached that point where sales plateau, and you’re trying to figure out where to sell stickers that you haven’t tried yet. That’s why you Googled the question and showed up here, right? So let’s do this.

1. Local Markets and Craft Fairs

What do you think of when you hear the word craft fair? Old women who have mastered the art of crocheting and now sell giant crocheted squids for $200? Swifties taking their friendship bracelets to the masses who can’t figure out what DBATC means? Local authors selling their latest self-published sci-fi opus to people who sort of like Star Wars?

Yes! It’s all of the above, and it is glorious. But it can also be you. With your stickers. Local markets and craft fairs often have very affordable booth fees, especially in small towns, minimizing your risk if you don’t move a lot of merchandise. You might even be allowed to participate in a local farmers market. Fresh asparagus, free-range eggs, and custom stickers are quite the trifecta.

2. Pop-Up Shops and Events

Pop-up shops and special events can be a hit because they are so temporary. Next week, this space’ll just be a boring parking lot again. Take advantage of the FOMO by setting up a table with your custom stickers. You might even design some that fit the theme of the pop-up. Yes—the event may fade quickly, but the stickers will last alongside the memories and work great as a souvenir of the event.

3. Conventions and Trade Shows

Do nerds like stickers full of nerdy stuff? Does a Klingon care about honor? (Um, yes—the answer is yes.) But that’s an easy one. After all, everyone’s a nerd in their own way, whether their fandom is comic books, the Detroit Lions, cryptocurrency, CrossFit, or circular saws. Some people even develop their entire personality around Chappell Roan and Thai food. Can we get that pad Thai hot to go?

Our point? Get out there. Do the Comic Con and the tractor show. Hit up the horror movie convention and the Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction Annual Meeting. Whether it’s Broadway nerds or psychiatry buffs, who doesn’t love adorning their water bottles with holographic stickers?

4. Local Retail Store Collab

This sort of thing may not fly at the big chains or big box stores, but local retailers may be up for a little win-win sort of arrangement. Maybe they get 10% of each sticker sold. Maybe you pay a set fee for a little bit of shelf space near the register. Maybe you marry your oldest son to their daughter to cement the alliance between your separate endeavors. Whatever works.

5. Schools, Universities, and Campus Events

Hey, kids love stickers. And we mean kids of all ages. Think back to kindergarten, when the only thing that would keep little Chester in his seat for more than 30 seconds was the promise of a big ol’ gold star sticker at the end of the day. More than one college dean might regret not trying the whole sticker thing.

Look for opportunities that allow vendors and sticker moguls access to campus. If the stickers are cool enough, who needs lunch money?

6. Social eCommerce Platforms

What? Social eCommerce? Of course. Social media platforms are happy to let you list your custom stickers in exchange for a piece of the pie. (Most social media platforms are willing to do almost anything for a piece of the pie.) You can sell stuff through TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. You can also list your stickers through mega-retailers like Amazon.

7. Custom Orders for Local Businesses or Organizations

Try this script or come up with your own awesome version.

“[Clears throat.] Excuse me, kind Sir or Madam. My name is [insert your name here], and I make awesome stickers through Diecutstickers.com. And you know what else would be awesome? If your business, [insert business name here], had its own stickers for cool branding purposes. You could hand them out to customers and have them carry your brand around town! Or stick ‘em to things!

8. Mobile Sticker Cart

With a mobile sticker cart, you can go anywhere—anywhere short of Area 51 or the Pentagon. But maybe they will make an exception because you’ve got stickers. But imagine wheeling your sticker cart around as kids walk home from school or play during the summer. Forget the ice cream truck! You’ve got stickers!

Just make sure you check into local regulations before you attach your sticker case to your Schwinn 10-speed and go to town.

Go for Insanely Custom Stickers with Diecutstickers.com

Wait—are you a sticker baron with countless brilliant designs of die cut stickers? Or not quite yet?

Let’s not put the mobile sticker cart before the horse. You need some killer product before you have to worry about where to sell stickers. And that’s where we come in. Our insanely custom stickers boasting your cutting-edge designs will be the envy of every sticker-empire wannabe in the tri-state area.

Discover our full catalog, refine your designs, and get ready to take your shot at sticker glory with Diecutstickers.com.

8 Best Places to Sell Stickers (Not Including Your Mom and Her Friends) (2025)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.