'Conan Exiles' 3.0 Guide: How To Unlock Spells And Sorcery (2025)

'Conan Exiles' 3.0 Guide: How To Unlock Spells And Sorcery (1)


  • Sorcery is unlocked by interacting with a hidden spellbook
  • Spells can only be cast with a magic staff
  • More spells can be unlocked by upgrading the Tome of Kurak

The "Age of Sorcery" update for "Conan Exiles" brought a unique spellcasting system to the game that lets players channel eldritch powers to affect the world around them.

This new system opens up new ways to play the game, but players are deliberately left in the dark in terms of how to actually unlock sorcery. Here's a quick guide on how to find a staff and spellbook and how to unlock new spells and crafting tables in "Conan Exiles" 3.0.

How to Unlock Sorcery

Sorcery can be unlocked by interacting with a book inside the Shaleback Hollow in the southern quadrant of the Exiled Lands. Normally, players have to raid NPC camps and kill a Sorcerer thrall in hopes of finding a map. But it seems the book spawns inside the cave regardless.

'Conan Exiles' 3.0 Guide: How To Unlock Spells And Sorcery (2)

After fighting (or ignoring) the corrupted Shalebacks by the entrance, players will arrive in a large cavern with a ruined gateway and wooden plank catwalks leading to a study area filled with books. Interact with the tome on the altar at the middle of the platform to learn magic and sorcery.

Interacting with the tome also gives the player a basic staff and the Tome of Kurak, used to hold all possible spells in the game.

How to Unlock More Spells

After touching the tome, players will be able to craft a Thaumaturgy Bench via the Construction Hammer. Build and place this station anywhere and interact with it to find a few recipes in the right-most window.

Here, players can add spells to their Tome of Kurak by placing them in the recipe window alongside other ingredients. Imbuing the tone with the ingredients unlocks a new spell players can use through their staves.

Some spells also come with blueprints for other crafting stations like the Sacrificial Stone, used to extract blood for ritual purposes.

Keep in mind that spells are not free to cast. Each spell cast will add a stack of Corruption to the sorcerer, reducing their maximum health and stamina. Spells also require different types of pouches before they can be cast.

'Conan Exiles' 3.0 Guide: How To Unlock Spells And Sorcery (3)

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'Conan Exiles' 3.0 Guide: How To Unlock Spells And Sorcery (2025)


How to unlock spells in Conan Exiles? ›

Method 1: Interacting with the Sorcery Book

Go to the Shaleback Hollow in the Exiled Lands' southern region. You will discover the Sorcery Book inside, which contains the secret to releasing sorcery.

How to become a sorcerer? ›

There are typically only two means of becoming a sorcerer: being born with the power, or undergoing a physical event that changes your body and soul permanently. It is because of this, that sorcerers are extremely rare and valued.

How to cast spells in Conan Exiles? ›

All spells need some trigger or source to start them casting. The Arcane Staff weapon in Exiles already handles this functionality for the standard Exiles root (and children spells). Some additional functionality exists that can be tapped into for custom content. Most spells won't need a custom trigger mechanism.

Where do I learn to unlock spells in Hogwarts? ›

As you progress through the game, you will eventually be approached by Gladwin Moon, the Groundskeeper of Hogwarts. He is deathly afraid of Demiguise moon statues, for some reason, and he'll task you with collecting them all. As a result, he will also teach you the Alohomora spell, which unlocks locks.

How do you become an admin in Conan exile? ›

After successfully connecting to your server in the game, navigate to settings (“ESC” on the PC, “Options” on the PS4 or the “Menu” button on the Xbox). Within the settings, navigate to the “Server Options” button and click on “Make me an Admin”. Enter the admin password that you have set in the basic settings.

Are there cheat codes in Conan Exiles? ›

Cheats come built into Conan: Exiles, and you can use them to make literally everything easy to accomplish — including earning every single achievement / trophy in the game. All you have to do is unlock a pretty well-hidden Admin Panel in the game options.

How do you get into creative Conan Exiles? ›

You can find the option directly in the admin menu of Conan Exiles.
  1. Start the game.
  2. Click on “Settings”
  3. Then click on “Server Settings”
  4. Now select “Building”
  5. Under “General” you will find “Creative Mode Server”
  6. Make your choice here as desired.
  7. Exit the menu and press ESC on the keyboard while playing.

How do sorcerers get spells? ›

Unlike warlocks and clerics, sorcerers don't rely on another being for their powers. They also don't need to keep their spells in tomes like wizards. Instead, sorcerers acquire their abilities through more esoteric means and discover new spells by gaining experience.

How do you get a sorcerer set? ›

Found primarily through armor Chests, with secondary methods being through Fishing, Trading, or buying them from NPC Ship Merchants.

Can you learn more spells as a sorcerer? ›

In terms of game mechanics, sorcerers learn spells automatically almost every level. You simply have to choose them from the sorcerer spell list.

How do you get admin commands in Conan exile? ›

Admin Panel
  1. Join your Conan Exiles server, then press ESC to open the menu.
  2. Once there, click the Admin Panel option and it'll instantly appear in-game. ...
  3. You can now checkmark settings, enter values, and spawn items in your inventory.
Apr 5, 2023

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