finding magnitude of a vector (2024)

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Ashlianne Sharma am 7 Nov. 2020

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Kommentiert: Ashlianne Sharma am 8 Nov. 2020

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Hi all, I am trying to make a function and the first step within my function is to find the magnitude of a vector that I have named on another script. How do I do this? I willo put my code below to explain more.


function[a, e, nu, i, O, m] = hw_COE_sharmaAshlianne(R, V)

% Inputs

% R = Radius vector [km]

% V = Velocity vector [km/s]


% Outputs

% a = semi major axis [km]

% e = eccentricity [no units]

% nu = true anomoly [degrees]

% i = inclination [degrees]

% O = right ascention of the ascending node(RAAN) [degrees]

% w = argument of perigee [degrees]

% Known values

m = 398600; % [km^3/s^2]

% Step one find the magnitude of the radius and velocity vectors

r = norm(R);

v = norm(V);


% Create a structure for our function to find COE parameters

Rvector = [15370 1400 21950]; % [km]

Vvector = [-0.1 3.84 -0.2]; % [km/s]

% Call function with the structured variables we created above

[a, e, nu, i, O, m] = hw_COE_sharmaAshlianne(Rvector, Vvector);

so to reiterate my question, how do I find the magnitude of Rvector that is defined in my script on my function page (STEP ONE IN FUNCTION)

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VBBV am 7 Nov. 2020

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Bearbeitet: Walter Roberson am 8 Nov. 2020

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>> hw_COE_sharmaAshlianne([...],[...])

Go to the command window and enter the vectors as shown above. Alternately run the script file in which the you are calling the function hw_COE_sharmaAshlianne(Rvector,Vvector)

Ashlianne Sharma am 7 Nov. 2020

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I have done that, I made the separate script by which I call my function with

[a, e, nu, i, RAAN, w] = hw_COE_sharmaAshlianne(Rvector, Vvector);

just as I stated in my original question.

Again, the question I asked is how do I code to find the magnitude of the vector because as I put above, it does not work. I would appreciate if you help me with the question I asked??

r = norm(R);

v = norm(V);

I tried putting the lines

r = Rvector;

but that does not work.

VBBV am 8 Nov. 2020

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Bearbeitet: Walter Roberson am 8 Nov. 2020

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Since norm calculates the magnitude of the vector and is defined inside the function as




r = norm(Rvector);

v = norm(Vvector)


end % close function file with end statement

Close function file with end

Ashlianne Sharma am 8 Nov. 2020

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Okay that makes a lot of sense! I am still running into an issue here at these lines of code. The error message I am getting it that I don't have enough input arguments (regarding my Rvector and Vvector).

In order for me to define the Rvector and the Vvector on my script, how do I get those values onto my function page?

I don't know if I am making sense haha, I guess what I am trying to say is how do I call a function with specific values that will run through my function page if I dont explicitely define the R and V vectors on my function page?

VBBV am 8 Nov. 2020

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Bearbeitet: VBBV am 8 Nov. 2020

In function page just define the same variable vectors as defined in script file as shown in my message. Inside the function you don't require or have to define R and V again. Instead you pass the vectors Rvector and Vvector as arguments and use them with norm

VBBV am 8 Nov. 2020

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If you delete the semicolon at the

norm(Rvector) norm(Vvector)

You can see the values of magnitude in command window once the run is completed .

Ashlianne Sharma am 8 Nov. 2020

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Okay, so you had an amzing explaination for the norm aspect, thank you so much.

This question seems simple, But I struggle with this since the start of the class.

Script %note I changed Rvector to R for simplicity

% Define given vectors as variables

R = [15370 100 21950]; % [km]

V = [-0.1 3.84 -0.2]; % [km/s]

% Call function with the structured variables we created above

[a, e, nu, i, RAAN, w] = hw_COE_sharmaAshlianne(R, V);

Function: line one, after this line, I finished the rest of my code.

function[a, e, nu, i, RAAN, w] = hw_COE_sharmaAshlianne(R, V)


When I was getting your help, I just defined my vectors inside my function. Like you say above, you dont need to do this. I took out my defined vectors from my function and I now get an error message saying I do not have enough input arguments. I don't know how to pass the variables through. Like I know the variables have to be the same on the script and function page, But that isnt working for me. Any explaination on passing variables through the function would be great help... The matlab version online hasnt been too much of help. Thank you Vasishta!

VBBV am 8 Nov. 2020

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Did you name the file exactly the same as function name? I.e. the name of the file which contains your function code and name of the function must be same. The name of file in which function code is present must be


If you name something else then it will not run.

Ashlianne Sharma am 8 Nov. 2020

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yeah I saved the file as the same name as my function. Everything was working until I removed the R and V vectors from the function file

Ashlianne Sharma am 8 Nov. 2020

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So when I run my script that I call my function on, it works perfectly, however, I when I run my function file, i get the message that there are not enough input arguments

VBBV am 8 Nov. 2020

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Oh. You seem to have changed the names of variables Rvector and Vvector in your script file from which you're calling function. Change it to

Rvector = [values] Vvector = [values]

VBBV am 8 Nov. 2020

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Bearbeitet: VBBV am 8 Nov. 2020

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Keep the same structure like before in the first post.

% if true

% code

% end

Rvector = [15370 1400 21950]; % [km]

Vvector = [-0.1 3.84 -0.2]; % [km/s]


[a, e, nu, i, O, m] = hw_COE_sharmaAshlianne(Rvector, Vvector);

VBBV am 8 Nov. 2020

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Rvector, Vvector must have same names in script file and function file

Ashlianne Sharma am 8 Nov. 2020

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okay, that makes sense. Just so I am understanding,


Rvector = [15370 1400 21950]; % [km]

Vvector = [-0.1 3.84 -0.2]; % [km/s]


[a, e, nu, i, O, m] = hw_COE_sharmaAshlianne(Rvector, Vvector);


function[a, e, nu, i, RAAN, w] = hw_COE_sharmaAshlianne(Rvector, Vvector)

and everywhere in my code that R and V exist in my function, the variable should be Rvector and Vvector aswell?

VBBV am 8 Nov. 2020

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Bearbeitet: VBBV am 8 Nov. 2020

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Check the syntax of function declaration. You require space between the word function and output variable vector

%if true

% code


function [a,e,nu,i,O,m]=



r = norm(Rvector);

v = norm(Vvector)


end % close function file with end statement

Ashlianne Sharma am 8 Nov. 2020

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Okay, Thank you so much for your help!! i will definitely look more to the page you sent me, I think that may be very useful. Again, Thank you so much for taking So SO much time out to help me. I am just a struggling college student haha but yes, I really appreciate your time and help Vasishta!

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finding magnitude of a vector (2024)


Finding magnitude of a vector? ›

Thus, the formula to determine the magnitude of a vector (in two-dimensional space) v = (x, y) is: |v| =√(x2 + y2). This formula is derived from the Pythagorean theorem. the formula to determine the magnitude of a vector (in three-dimensional space) V = (x, y, z) is: |V| = √(x2 + y2 + z2)

What is the magnitude of a vector? ›

The magnitude of a vector P Q → is the distance between the initial point and the end point . In symbols the magnitude of P Q → is written as | P Q → | . If the coordinates of the initial point and the end point of a vector is given, the Distance Formula can be used to find its magnitude.

What is the magnitude of the vector 3i 4j? ›

Therefore the magnitude of the vector 3i +4j, is 5 units. This statement can be mathematically written as: |3i+4j| = 5.

What is the formula for the magnitude of a vector product? ›

Vector product also means that it is the cross product of two vectors. If you have two vectors a and b then the vector product of a and b is c. So this a × b actually means that the magnitude of c = ab sinθ where θ is the angle between a and b and the direction of c is perpendicular to a well as b.

How to find magnitude in vector? ›

Thus, the formula to determine the magnitude of a vector (in two-dimensional space) v = (x, y) is: |v| =√(x2 + y2). This formula is derived from the Pythagorean theorem. the formula to determine the magnitude of a vector (in three-dimensional space) V = (x, y, z) is: |V| = √(x2 + y2 + z2)

How do you find the magnitude of a vector given its components? ›

Finding the Magnitude of a Vector Given in Component Form

Step 1: For a vector , fill in and in the formula | v | = a 2 + b 2 . Step 2: Simplify the magnitude | v | = a 2 + b 2 by simplifying underneath the square root first, and then simplifying the square root as much as possible.

Are magnitude and resultant the same? ›

A resultant is a vector. Specifically a vector sum of vectors. A magnitude is a property of a vector. It is a scalar, not a vector itself.

How do you find the magnitude of a vector sum? ›

What is the Formula For the Addition of Vectors? This is the addition of vectors formula: Given two vectors a = (a1, a2) and b = (b1, b2), then the vector sum is, M = (a1 + b1, a2 + b2) = (Mx, My). In this case, magnitude of the resultant vector sum M = |M| = √ ((Mx)2+(My)2) and.

What is the formula for magnitude of the resultant acceleration? ›

Formulas for calculating resultant acceleration

A = ( A x ) 2 + ( A y ) 2 . Or its angle with respect to the y-axis, θ y = arctan ⁡ A x A y . Now, using these steps and formulas we work through several example problems for finding an object's resultant acceleration.

What is the formula of magnitude of unit vector? ›

A unit vector can be defined as a vector whose magnitude is of unit length. The length of unit vectors is always 1 and is commonly used to indicate the direction of a vector. If →x is a vector whose magnitude is x, then unit vector of →x in the direction of x is denoted by ˆx and is defined as ˆx=→x|ˆx|.

What is the magnitude multiplied by a vector? ›

A quantity that has magnitude but no direction to be specified is a scalar. Work is an example for a scalar. A vector can be multiplied by a number, a scalar and a vector. Multiplying a vector by a number results in a vector whose magnitude is the number times the vector.

How to find the magnitude of AxB? ›

Magnitude: |AxB| = A B sinθ. Just like the dot product, θ is the angle between the vectors A and B when they are drawn tail-to-tail. Direction: The vector AxB is perpendicular to the plane formed by A and B.

What do we mean by magnitude? ›

In physics, magnitude is defined simply as “distance or quantity.” It depicts the absolute or relative direction or size in which an object moves in the sense of motion. It is used to express the size or scope of something. In physics, magnitude generally refers to distance or quantity.

Is the magnitude of a vector always positive? ›

Since squares of real numbers are always non-negative, and the square root of a non-negative number is also non-negative, the magnitude of a vector is always a positive value or zero.

Is the magnitude of a vector squared? ›

Summary. The magnitude a vector is given by the square root of the sum of each of the components squared. Geometrically, the magnitude of a vector is equal to the length of the vector.

Does magnitude mean distance? ›

Magnitude generally refers to the quantity or distance. In relation to the movement, we can correlate magnitude with the size and speed of the object while travelling. The size of the object or the amount is its magnitude.

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