How to Set Up a Minecraft Server on Raspberry Pi (2025)

Want to play Minecraft on your own terms? Set up your own server, create your own worlds, perhaps build in them with friends and family?

It's remarkable, but true: you can do all of this on a Raspberry Pi.

My son is a big fan of Minecraft and is always asking me to play alongside him. It's not easy to do while he's playing on his tablet. As he's only young, allowing him online seems inappropriate.

The solution is simple. Here's how to setup a Minecraft server on Raspberry Pi.

What You Will Need for a Raspberry Pi Minecraft Server

To install a Minecraft server on your Raspberry Pi, you will need:

  • A Raspberry Pi 3 or Raspberry Pi 4 and power cable.
  • Ethernet cable.
  • 16GB or larger microSD card.

Although earlier Pi models can be used for this, the results aren't as good. Note that an Ethernet cable is recommended because it is faster than Wi-Fi. You can use wireless networking, but a faster connection means superior server provision and better in-game performance.

These instructions for the Raspberry Pi 3 and 4 will give you the best Minecraft server possible.

All the above, when used with a remote SSH connection, will let you set up a Minecraft server on your Raspberry Pi. If SSH isn't an option, you will also need:

  • USB keyboard
  • USB mouse (or a combination of both)
  • 1 x HDMI cable
  • A monitor or other compatible display

Connect these peripherals before powering on your Raspberry Pi.

You will also, of course, need a copy of Minecraft on your computer. Note that the system spec of the Raspberry Pi means that you won't be able to host too many people. For the Pi 3, certainly don't attempt to host more than 10. If you plan to install Minecraft server on Raspberry Pi 4, you can host more players depending on the choice of RAM.

Read More: What's the Difference Between Raspberry Pi 4 and Other Models?

What Sort of Minecrafter Is This For?

Several versions of Minecraft are available.

Learning how to create a Minecraft server on Raspberry Pi will give you a world that you can access from any device running Minecraft, except, curiously, MinecraftPi. So, versions of Minecraft on a Windows PC, game console, Android, iOS, and Amazon Fire tablets and TV devices will work with this server.

As such, if you have several devices on your local network, these could all access the Minecraft server.

In short, you'll need the main Minecraft open world game from Mojang.

Step 1: Install Raspberry Pi OS and Configure Your Pi

Start off with a fresh copy of Raspberry Pi OS. You'll find the latest version at For speed you can use the Raspberry Pi Imager tool to write the Raspberry Pi OS image to your microSD card.

Related: How to Install an Operating System on Raspberry Pi

Next, configure the Raspberry Pi OS environment for running the Minecraft server. Did you set it up with a monitor and keyboard? If so, simply open the Raspberry Pi Configuration tool in the Preferences menu on the desktop.

If you're accessing via SSH, use sudo raspi-config to open the text-based configuration tool.

Here, make the following changes:

  • Go to Advanced Options > Memory Split and change the setting to 16MB. This will free more memory resources for the server.
  • Next, go to Boot Options > Desktop/CLI and select Console. (No need to do this on Raspberry Pi OS Lite.)
  • If you're trying this with a Raspberry Pi 1 or 2, find Overclock on the main menu and set this to High. (Raspberry Pi 3 and 4 users can skip this step.)
  • Enable SSH in Advanced Options > SSH.
  • Finally, go to Advanced > Expand Filesystem.

With these changes made, go to Finish and reboot Raspberry Pi OS at the prompt. Once done, login again, and find the IP address of the device with:

sudo hostname -I 



Make a note of the IP address before continuing.

Step 2: Install the Minecraft Server on Raspberry Pi

Installing Minecraft on the Raspberry Pi relies on the Nukkit server software from Cloudburst. Developed specifically for Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Nukkit can be easily installed on the Pi via the command line.

Start by installing Java. This is required for Nukkit to run:

sudo apt install oracle-java8-jdk 

Next create a new directory (labelled "nukkit") then open it:

mkdir nukkit
cd nukkit

With that done, download the Nukkit server software. Be sure to enter this accurately---it's easier to copy and paste into an SSH session.

wget -O nukkit.jar 

(You can find the most up-to-date builds at the project page.)

Once downloaded, run Nukkit:

sudo java -jar nukkit.jar 

This prompts Nukkit to set up the server. When prompted, choose your language (we used eng) then watch as the Minecraft server is generated.

Step 3: Configure Your Minecraft Raspberry Pi Server

Once you know the Minecraft server is setup correctly it's time to configure it. Two configuration files are included with Nukkit: nukkit.yml and

To edit these, simply open them in your preferred text editor. On Raspberry Pi OS, nano is preinstalled, so use

sudo nano nukkit.yml 


sudo nano 

Various changes are recommended. Whatever you change here, keep in mind that even the Raspberry Pi 4 is a modest device that cannot handle too much processing.

How to Set Up a Minecraft Server on Raspberry Pi (2)

A list of server properties can be found in the Minecraft wiki, but several should be edited right away. Start off with:


Older Raspberry Pi models will struggle with more than 10. You might be okay with 5-6 players. Several other options are available to configure that you might be interested in, such as:


This is for player vs. player action. There's also a difficulty setting:


Here, the easiest setting is 0.

When you're done, press Ctrl + X to save and exit, then run:

sudo java -jar nukkit.jar 

This will restart your Minecraft server, but not the Raspberry Pi.

Step 4: Connect to the Raspberry Pi Minecraft Server

Your Minecraft server should now be online on your local network. Check this using a ping command from another device, using the IP address you noted down earlier. If the ping returns a response from your Raspberry Pi, then you're fine to continue.

All you need to do is launch Minecraft on your computer or tablet, then:

  1. Click Play > Servers
  2. Here, select Add Server
  3. Input new server details (name, IP address)
  4. Ensure the port number matches the one listed in the server properties
How to Set Up a Minecraft Server on Raspberry Pi (3)

If your Raspberry Pi Minecraft server is running and online, it should be listed as an option to connect to. Simply select the server to start playing.

Step 5: Extend Your Minecraft Server Functions With Nukkit Plugins

The default configurations for the Nukkit server might not be wholly to your liking. Tweaking nukkit.yml and is one option, but will only get you so far.

Plugins have been developed for Nukkit that allow you to enhance the basic gameplay. This adds features to the online session that have been omitted, such as the inclusion of animals.

Suggested Nukkit plugins include:

  • MobPlugin: adds mobs and animals to the Minecraft environment
  • WorldEssentials: enables different game modes
  • EssentialsNK: includes additional game modes, multiplayer management tools, and more

These plugins are compatible with a Minecraft server on Raspberry Pi 3 and 4 and can be installed simply by downloading to your Pi and copying the file to the plugins directory.

For example, the MobPlugin can be moved with:

sudo mv MobPlugin- plugins 

Head to the Cloudburst website and click Resources to choose from over 250 plugins for your Raspberry Pi Minecraft server.

Now You Know How to Make a Raspberry Pi Minecraft Server

How to Set Up a Minecraft Server on Raspberry Pi (4)

By now you should have Minecraft server running on your Raspberry Pi.

That's all there is to it. If you leave it up and running, you'll have an always-on Minecraft world that you can connect to and use. A great solution for Minecraft-loving children, self-hosting the server on your local network keeps their online activity safe---at least as far as playing their favorite game goes.

You have created your very own Minecraft game server running on the Raspberry Pi. For more fun with the game, check out the best Minecraft seeds for cool worlds and how to use Minecraft command blocks.

How to Set Up a Minecraft Server on Raspberry Pi (2025)


Is Raspberry Pi good for hosting Minecraft server? ›

A Raspberry Pi Minecraft server is a cost-effective way to have your very own private server with your friends or just for stuffing around on. I have had mine running for quite some time now and haven't come across too many problems. It is very important to know that this server will not be able to hold many people.

Can the Raspberry Pi 5 run a Minecraft server? ›

Fortunately, you don't need a cutting-edge PC just to create the server; even a tiny SBC like the Raspberry Pi can be used to host a Minecraft server.

Can you set up a server on a Raspberry Pi? ›

To get your web server working, you'll need a Raspberry Pi that's connected to your local network and running a fairly-recent version of the Raspbian operating system. These instructions will work on just about any model, including the powerful Raspberry Pi 4 and diminutive Raspberry Pi Zero W.

Can you run Minecraft on a Raspberry Pi? ›

Minecraft is a popular sandbox open-world building game. A free version of Minecraft is available for the Raspberry Pi; it also comes with a programming interface. This means you can write commands and scripts in Python code to build things in the game automatically. It's a great way to learn Python!

Can you run a Minecraft server on a Raspberry Pi cluster? ›

Minecraft Server comes in many flavours. To install Minecraft and later install Minecraft Prometheus Export plugin we need to use the SPIGOT distribution of Minecraft Server, you can also run PAPER . This is also running more lightweight than VANILLA Minecraft which is a perfect fit for Raspberry Pi.

Are Raspberry Pi servers worth it? ›

Despite its small size and low cost, a Raspberry Pi single-board computer can be used to run servers. In fact, server hosting is one of the most popular uses for a Raspberry Pi, and for good reason. They are cheap, power-efficient, and very powerful for their size.

Is A Raspberry Pi good enough for a web server? ›

Of course you can run a website off a Raspberry Pi but without knowing what type of site, what amount of traffic, etc., you're not going to get many useful answers. If you want to run a personal vanity site like some did in the Nineties, the RPi would work great.

What's the best server host for Minecraft? ›

Best Minecraft Hosting Server in 2024
  • BisectHosting: Best Overall.
  • ScalaCube: Best Minecraft Hosting Server with Free Plan.
  • Sparked: Best Affordable Minecraft Hosting Plans.
  • Hostinger: Best in VPS Minecraft Hosting Service Provider.
  • GGServers: Best Minecraft Hosting for Intense Gaming.
Aug 6, 2024

How many people can be on a Raspberry Pi Minecraft server? ›

A Raspberry Pi 4 8GB can handle around 31 Minecraft players without lagging. This is based on the general rule of thumb that each Minecraft player requires approximately 256 MB of RAM.

What happened to Minecraft Pi? ›

Discontinuation. The original team has stopped supporting it and starting with 0.9 MCPE became a lot more ambitious technically, which also means that it became a lot harder to strip down to run on a Raspberry Pi. Actually, we finished removing all Pi related code to reduce complexity in 2015.

Can you run a game server on a Raspberry Pi? ›

These requirements include: Raspberry Pi Board: Raspberry Pi 3 or Raspberry Pi 4 is the minimum board model most gaming servers use, but the Pi 4 or higher is the recommendation for the best experience. Power Supply: You'll need a 12.75W USB for the PI 3 and 3 B+, while a 15.3W supply is necessary for the Pi 4.

How to convert Raspberry Pi to server? ›

Turning Your Raspberry Pi Into a Personal Web Server
  1. Step 1: Materials. - Raspberry Pi. ...
  2. Step 2: Preparation. ...
  3. Step 3: Initial Configuration. ...
  4. Step 4: SSH Set Up. ...
  5. Step 5: Installing Apache. ...
  6. Step 6: Install MySQL. ...
  7. Step 7: Install FTP. ...
  8. Step 8: Finalization.

How do I connect my Raspberry Pi to a local server? ›

Open a terminal or your SSH client and connect to the IP address or hostname of the Pi. You will get a prompt asking you to log in: You should login as “pi” and use the password “raspberry”. You should then get the following screen: 2 Page 3 You are now connected to your Raspberry Pi!

Can you run a Minecraft server on an Arduino? ›

Arduino, due to its limited processing power and memory, is not suitable for hosting a Minecraft server. Minecraft servers require a lot of resources, which Arduino boards typically do not have. However, you can use Arduino to interact with a Minecraft server hosted on a more powerful machine.

What is Nukkit? ›

Nukkit is nuclear-powered server software for Minecraft: Pocket Edition.

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