The Daily Reporter from Greenfield, Indiana (2024)

THE GREENFIELD DAILY REPORTER, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1929. PAGE FOUR SOCIAL AFFAIRS GENERAL CRACK by rr' i Get the Children's Garments Cleaned GEORGE PREEDY XT' Family Dinner Dr. J. L. Allen and family entertained at a family dinner at their home in this city Sunday in honor of the doctor's mother.

Mrs. Lidi Allen. Among those who enjoyed the occasion with Mrs. Allen were Jesse P. Allen and family, of Spice-land; J.

Ralph Allen and family, of Ogdcn; Mrs. W. E. Perkins and family, of Indianapolis; Mr. and and pressed this week before they return to school.

Copyright 1928 by Dodd Mead A Inc. The Warner Bros. A Vjtaphona production starring John BarrymorS, Ls based on thla novel. 5 To our friends and patrons MAY THIS YEAR BE YOUR HAPPIEST Guithier's Inc. i Mrs.

Reuben Allen, of Kennard. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Hasty, of Chat lest on.

W. Va. Christmas day the Allen family entertained in Ct.vt Hensdorff. special envoy of Kim; Leopold, offers General Crack, soldier of fortune, the hand of the Archduch*ess, us dowry, if he rcill side tcith the King against the Allies. Ilensdorff is at first refused audience, but finally meets the remarkable and mysterious soldier in it gardens.

Crack assures ltim that lie ids already made vp his mind to rnarry Princess Eleanora, daughter of Anhalt-Dessau. Leopold has destined her for his icife. Crack suggests that the Emperor withdraw his suit in exchange for Crack's services. and not have to sacrifice the Archduch*ess, and he wa3 sure that the Emperor, with whom it had gone ill enough to have to offer his sister, would be glad lo spare his pride at the price of withdrawal from the Anhalt-De6sau market who, after all, was Eleanora of Anhalt-Dessau? No great prize, surely; of no value at all if General Crack could bring in the Lutherans. But where was the spring, the pit? Why should that ambitious, bold, restless and insatiable young man refuse the Imperial marriage for a union with a little German princess? Hensdorff was baffled, and he was not often baffled.

And some such simple explanation there must he for this preference for the Anhalt-Dessau marriage, but Hensdorff could not find it. And now he, Ilensdorff. had to do some waiting about on his own part, hanging around this dull place for the best part of a week with men like Banning and Pons; he felt both tlat and irritated, and it was IS CHAPTER IV Continued "I might consider that if I it true that the Emperor had the better chance." "Of course," said Ilensdorff suavely. "I spoke without my master's opinion; he has earnest reasons for desiring that match he also desires your services, and no doubt he could find some other mat Call Phone 638 IParSsIhi (Sfleaumeffs TRI KAPPA'S ANNTAI, DANCK Tuesday Evening; December Memorial Huiiding Music Supplied by Red Huffoitl his Collegiate Band GRAND MARCH AT 9 'OCLOCK Admission $2.00 Spectators 25c rimonial alliance there was talk of the King of England's daughter "No doubt, but England takes the KNOW YOUR COUNTRY GAMES other side, I think. And as for the political advantages of the match, if I entered the Emperor's service, CLASSIFIED ADS I should bring with me all the Anhalt-Dessau interest." Ilensdorff was silent, puzzled.

"So, by withdrawing," added General Crack coolly, "your master would gain me, and all the advantages he would have had by marry- rnartd by the National Americanism Commission of American Legion How Many Can You A turn er? What -m know about the United Slates? Probably not half as much as you think you know. These games are designed to bring you up to date in knowledge" about this great country. Try to answer these ten questions. Answers Game Number Sixteen FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Mr. and Mrs.

Glen Lewis are the recipients of a bcautilul Zenith radio given them for their Christmas gift by Mrs. Lewis' lather. N. C. Warren, and installed bv O.

II. Monger Son. honor of Mrs. Elizabeth Alexander, mother of the late Mrs. Allen, al which time the were Alexander's children.

Kappa Delta Phi Kappa Delta Phi sorority entertained with a Rose Euchre party on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Avis Jordan on E. North street. Hih score was held by Miss Margaret Schneider and high member score was held by Mrs. Dorothy Mae Webb.

At serving time, the small tables were lighted with rose tapers in crystal holders. The colors of rose and white were used in the tallies, place cards, and refreshments. The guests fthe sorority were Mrs. Fred Gorman, Miss Marguerite Schneider and Miss Alice Henderson. Tri Kappa Upsilon chapter of Kappa Kappa Kappa met Monday evening in the Federation room of the Memorial building.

During the business meeting Miss Elizabeth Pickett in a delightful way reviewed interesting points in the last issue of "The Cross Keyes." the fraternity magazine. The meeting was adjourned and decorations were completed for the dance to be given tonight in the gymnasium of the Memorial building. Tri Kappa was pleased to have a number of out-of-town members with them. Miss Maurine Davis, of Indiana University, Miss Hester Lea Moncrief, of Purdue University. Miss Mary Elizabeth Cooper and Miss Helen Rhoadarm-cr.

of Indianapolis, were present. Beacon Lights The Beacon Light Class of the M. E. church will have a pitch-in supper at at the home of Mrs. Leoma 15 ri dues.

23 N. School street. Jan. 1st. Everybody come.

Postponed The Nameless Creek Community Class party has been postponed until January ltith. al the home ol Mrs. Freeman Bratidock. lT. Ladies' Aid The Ladies' Aid Society of the U.

13. church will meet at the home with some relief that he saw Gabor crossing a corridor with his light and rather stealthy step. "I've seen your master," Ilensdorff greeted him. "And so have you I suppose you made him the suggestion you hinted last night about the Anhalt-Dessau affair?" "No need," replied Gabor. flickering his ashy eyes.

"Banning repeated the whole conversation "What's behind it?" whispered Ilensdorff; but the Transylvanian merely laughed; he had a gross and evil laugh. Ilensdorff disgustedly gave up that point ami hurried to another. "If you want this alliance, you must do your best to make Anhalt-Dessau decide in favor of the Emperor, so that your master will have to buy him off." He looked around, afraid of a spying interruption, but Gabor answered easily: "That won't be as difficult as you think. I've some news for you your man is coming to Dursheim incognito." "Impossible!" exclaimed Hens FOR SALE Fresh cider, homemade apple butter and many va-rities of apples at IIAMER'S. 26tf Wyoming.

Illinois. T. Dtcembcr Iowa. December 2o. 18 Hi.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Russell and daughter who have been in Iowa for several months, have returned here for an indefinite visit with relatives and friends. FOR SALE Wc will custom hatch your eggs in our mammoth electric incubators. 3'-c.

per egg or 3c. per egg in thousand lots. Do nol take the risk of burning your home with a small incubator. GREEN-FIELD HATCHERY, Rolpll R. Booto, Mgr.

16tf 4. 5. ft. 7. o.

10. Virginia. July t. 1 a Birminaha in '217 Connecticut. 4.90.") Equal c- miles.

Yes. it is estimated to 320 billions. West Virginia. 1.724.000; Washington. 1.587.000.

Ouestions Game Number Seventeen Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Dorsett and Mrs. Emma Justice spent Sunday with relatives in Marklcville. dorff.

True. You see, I am better in formed than you are His Imperial Majesty has a strong desire to see Miss Catheryn Heath is quite i at her home on North State street the damsel for himself and press FOR SALE Leonard high oven I coal raime. MRS. ED MORFORD, i S(K5 Meek street. his suit in "But this serves well," Gabor continued.

"Anhalt-Dessau will hardly resist Caesar in person and the two will meet on neutral ground FOR SALE Ffsh cow. third calf. ARTHUR MARTIN, Phone Maxwell. and can surely come to a bar- The holsehold goods sale of George Haman. live miles east ol this city, was attended by a large crowd Monday.

Mrs. Human will make her future home with her daughter. Mrs. Albert Linder. ain "Are you anxious that they should?" demanded Hensdorff.

1. What state ranks next after Texas. Iowa and California in the value its crops? 2. What white people first settled in Arkansas? 3. Is Honolulu on the Hawaii? 4.

Which is iaiger in area. Florida or Michigan? What state has he largest proportion of male population? G. What is the capital of Illinois? 7. What state lias the longest border touching Mexico? What is the lamest city in Kansas? 0. Which is larger.

Seattle or Indianapolis? In whru order did the original thirteen states ratify the Constitution? These and innumerable other questions about our country are answered on the ne w. live-color map of the United States, with condensed atlas, which the American Legion is distributing at cost in connection with these games. Any reader may secure a copy by sending ten cents in coin or stamps to the Haskin Information Bureau, Legion Division. Washington, D. C.

Mention The Reporter and be sure to give your address plainly. KNOW YOl COUNTRY Yes. I would rather follow both together than either separately. I think if they unite we may see a FOR SALE We now hatching. Quality Blood Tested Chicks from graded No.

1 eggs. Chicks S15.00 per hundred. SI 1.00 in thousand GREENFIELD HATCHERY, I Ralph R. Boots, Mgr. 16tf Mrs.

Orville Cooper spent in Indianapolis on business. solid empire if they don't, well, ruin, and the foreigners getting all the spoils. You can rely on me to help you in the Anhalt-Dessau busi Cleve Shackle transacted business in Indianapolis today. ness and I hope the Emperor will remember it when General Crack is advancing at the head of his I FOR SALE High Grade Blood Tested Chk'Ifs that wLLLiive, grow Land add to your iirrtfme. Corocm armies.

The supper that was to have been givoiv-rw- t-rtc'Brrt-rtk-M li iuxli You'll not be left out." sneered Hensdorff. "You never have been. Saturday evening has been recalled MPPVI have you? But I have mv spies. and sec our new Robbins electric incubators. We are now hatching.

GREENFIELD HATCHERY, Ralph gs jam, 1 EE rss NIGHTS ore -J VI too. Prince; I'll soon know if you side-step." 'S 3 JAN. 6 The Ladies' Society of the Brad 16tf Gabor merely smiled. "If you trust me as far as I trust INniANACOl-lS iTIVll LJS 1 ley M. E.

church will give a market R. Bot.ts. Mgr. in Danner's store Saturday morning SFFCIAL PRICE MATINEE WEDNESDAY you, we shall get on very well to Address Idlers, make checks and money Address letters, make checks and FOR SALE--About 20 tons clover hay. L.

L. JEFFRIES. 30t2pd MAIL. MOMf jg I I payable to English Opera. llwll January 4th.

Chicken, noodles, salad, baked beans, eggs. pies. cak and hot rolls. adv ouse. anapous, ir.d.

Unclose seit-addressed Indianapolis, Ir.d. Enclose self-addrc st.i3ip:d envelope for safe return of tickets. FIRST TIME IN INDIANAPOLIS I CVV FitLDS ir.d 1 LYiX 0. AKORtirVS (xtstr THE MUSICAL COMEDY EVENT OF THE DcCADE. FOR SALE Come in and see our oil burning brooder stoves.

They will burn distillate oil at cents per gallon. Must give you complete satisfaction or you may return I them. Price $24.50. GREENFIELD i HATCHERY, Ralph R. Boots, Mgr.

I lctr Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roberts, of near Milner Corner. Mr. and Mrs.

Mahlon Wisehart, daughter. Mary, of near Fortvillc and Mr. and Mrs. T. L.

Huey, of Eden, were Sunday dinner guests of Perle Alexander and family, of Lawrence. SUMPTUOUS PRODUCTION by FIELDS. ROOGER3 and HART'J of Dr. Swaney. Wedresday at 2 p.

m. Mrs. R. R. Dcnney and Miss Frances Moore will be hostess.

Each member is expected to give a new year's resolution. Please bring or send dues. Friends are invited. Alpha IMii Omega The Alpha Phi Omega legal sorority of Indianapolis, held their pledge service Monday evening at the home of Miss Merle Utterbach, Greenfield. for Gladys Robb, Jesse Holly and Alda Gasho.

Decorations were carried out in the sorority colors, ivory and cherry. While Away Club The While Away Club will meet-with Mrs. Harry Comstock Thursday afternoon instead of Mrs. Roy Cridcr. TJicre will be an election of officers and a good attendance is desired.

Lden W. F. M. S. The W.

F. M. S. of the Kdcn M. E.

church will meet at tlw home Florence Trueblood in Eden on Friday afternoon at 1 p. m. Koyal Neighbors The Royal Neighbors will meet this evening with Mrs. II. II.

Zike. Sunday Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Hugh David, south 3 JSEWYORK CAST INTACT One Year at Theatre. New York Gabor specialized in treachery.

ing- the Princess Eleanora besides, he would be free to contract some powerful alliance elsewhere." This was very smooth and agreeable; Hensdorff did not doubt that he could bring his master round to such terms; but where was the trick, the snare? The man who made this offer was not one to do anything for the advantage of others. Hensdorff decided on that frankness which in sometimes the most wily diplomacy. "I do not see the count of Your Highness in this." he remarked. "My count is the Anhalt-Dessau marriage." "But that I3 not comparable to the marriage you have just refused." Tt happens that I prefer it." Ilensdorff knew that he would say no more than this, and was therefore sparing of hi3 own arguments. "I am, then, to tell the Emperor that if he withdraws from the Au-halt-Dessau match, your services and the services of the Lutherans who will be your relations will be at his disposal?" "By no means," returned the young man coldly, "for I am not yet convinced that your master's rival-IV 13 worth buying off I should not your word for that, Monsei-sneur.

If it should prove to ba so. hat is the price I should offer "But no delay is possible," replied Ilensdorff. further soured by this wariness on the part or his opponent. "The Allies may be in Flanders in a few weeks and in the Empire in a few months. You must take your part, sir, at once." "Anhalt-Dessau is at Dursheim," paid General Crack, glancing across the silvery valley.

"I am going there tomorrow. Do you care to wait here till I return, within the week? I shall know then whether I have an offer to make your master or no." Hensdorff saw that he meant to force Anhalt-Dessau to "yes" or "no" to the offer for his daughter. Rapidly resolving to use all influence to make it "no." Hensdorff replied: "I will wait. Monseigneur." "Very well." answered the young man negligently, and saluting the Imperial messenger briefly, he turned into the grand room and waikod away, stately and indifferent, halting slightly. Count Michael Hensdorff was both elated and puzzled.

He would regard it as a fine stroke of policy to obtain the services of the famous WANTED MISCELLANEOUS THE FAMOUS ORIGINAL VANDERBILT SINGING AND DANCING BOYS AND GIRLS Niehts Lower Floor, Balcony, $2.00, Gallery, $1.00, 50c. Popular Matinee Wednesday, Lower Floor, Salcony, Gallery, 50c. Melvin Derry, who is in Rockvillc Sai: arium for treatment, is improving. It is reported he has gained three and one-half pounds since starting the treatment. WANTED Orders for baby chickens, custom hatchings, cents per egg.

MRS. HAROLD GOODPASTURE. Greenfield. Jnd Route 3. Phone Charlottesville.

3M3pd gether," he remarked, then bowed and passed on. Hensdorff did not, of course, trust him at all: but he believed the piece of information Gabor had just given him. because there would have been no sense in the invention of that bit of news. Ilensdorff was disgusted; he thought that he. too.

would go. under some excuse, to Dursheim. to keep his eye on the unstable youth he called master and to clinch the bargain between him and General Crack. He agreed with Gabor; if the Emperor and General Crack did not work together, there was an end of the Empire, if indeed there was not an end already; Leopold might have been elected at Frankfurt and approved by France, but where were his dominions? Even native patrimony of Bavaria was overrun; after eight years' war the Allies were everywhere in the ascendant. The late Emperor had clearly died of vexation and being harried from place to place; he had had a brief period of success when ho had seduced General Crack from the French to fight for him, but that adventurer had soon deserted the Imperial cause and joined the Queen of Hungary he, Hensdorff reflected sourly, was the only person who had made anything out of the war; be had been crammed with bribe3 and spoils, besides inheriting a vast fortune from his father, a prince who had been fortunate enough to be Viceroy of Naples and Paymaster of the Imperial forces.

Hensdorff ventured to dream of Leopold on a secure throne, with himself as first Minister, a solid place where he could exercis power and pick up plunder; surelv he had waited long enough! (To be continued) FOR RENT FOR RENT To reliable tenant 5 rooms. Electric lights, large chicken yard. $10.00. F. E.

DAUN-ER, Indianapolis. 30-eod ADD IH TO YOrit YKAliS, AND YEARS TO YOUR MIX When John R. Gordon. Danville, found himself unable to sleet) after his day's work, constantly "tired-out," and continually pestered with urinary irregularities, he very wisely took Foley Pills diuretic, and says: "After just a few-doses I felt better, could work with more ease, became stronger, and could sleep all night without a Men and women evcryhewere use and recommend them. In constant use over twenty-five years.

Try them. Sold at Early's Drug Stores. adv CUR HEARTIEST SEASON'S GREETINGS TO OUR MANY FRIENDS AND PATRONS Wo hope that during nc coming year wc will have thy pleasure of serving you. MKS. SCHNEIDER'S CAFE FOR RENT Modern bungalow, well located, good garage.

Phone 263. 5lf Ora Cough is spending a few days at his home in this city. of Charlottesville. Mrs. Sarah King-en and Mrs.

Mcllic Lowery, of this city were highly entertained Sun--day at the home of Mr. and Mis. Edd Winslow and George Winslow. At the noon hour a bountiful dinner was served. Every thing good to eat was on the table.

Mrs. Wins-low understands how to prepare a good meal. The afternoon was spent with music and social conversation. Christmas Dinner The children and grandchildren of the late Lafayette Bussell held their annual Christmas dinner at the home of John Bussell near Willow Branch, Christmas day. This dinner has' been observed for the past thirty years.

The mother, Mrs. Clift, was in attendance. GAPPEN'S BEAUTY SIIOPPE I am opening a Beauty Shoppe at residence, 942 W. Main and am prepared to do the following: Wc wish to express our HOLIDAY RATES Sincere Appreciation for your patronage. via WISHING YOU A FINGER WAVING FACIAL MASSAGE EYEBROW ARCHING SCALP TREATMENTS MARCELLING SHAMPOOING MANICURING HAIR CUTTING HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR W.

G. Lacy is spending the day looking after his farm interests near Cleveland. TERRE HAUTE, INDIANAPOLIS EASTERN TRACTION CO. Fare and one-half for the Round Trip between all Stations in Indiana. Tickets good going December 23rd, 24th, 25th Also December 30th, 31st, and January 1st.

Return limit to January 6, 1930. Call T. H. I. E.

Agent for any further information. CAKK'S AKT SHOP PLKMANLNT WAVING Phone 595 Rose Gappen Mr. and Mrs. O. B.

Crider spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur and family near Noblesville. Ti: -J".

The Daily Reporter from Greenfield, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.